Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified meaning In trailers there is always the repetition of conventions because they are conventional, however a discounting factor is that they become boring and this leaves a negative impact on Horror financially and also leaves it with a smaller target audience. Barthes theory is denotation and connotation which are used constantly in the Horror genre; the meaning of denotation is the literal obvious meaning an example of this is a child is possessed however with the connotation which is the suggested meaning/ deeper meaning of the denotation in this example would be that the possessed child subverts the stereotype of children representing innocence, vulnerability and purity. Because now we see the child juxtaposing all the stereotypes: this is the connotation. Although this may be the case if films repeatedly use this convention it loses the meaning of the connotation be...
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