How have you developed in your Research & Planning skills across the 2 years

My research and planning has developed immensely throughout the 2 years; by doing thorough and more detailed research and planning in addition I have also selected relevant information to help me improve my production, an example of this is when we were deciding on what Horror sub-genre we were going to use for our creation, we done research into the different sub-genres and how they have evolved over time and also researching which sub-genre was the most popular now especially with the target audience of young adults.

In AS when created our preliminary of the School magazine, I didn’t do the substantial amount of research and planning for this production, which led to the production being unsuccessful. In addition to this because I hadn’t done planning before creating the magazine I didn’t have the format of what the school magazine was going to look like or what magazine conventions were to make it look realistic. This lack of research and planning limited my ability to create a successful magazine however the positively I learned from my mistake and in my next production was able to improve and do research and planning.

The second production we created was our music magazine where we used the genre of music we preferred. From the lack of research and planning in my previous work I made sure to do more research and planning by looking into other magazines with the same genre I’d chosen to see the conventional things these magazine had so I could incorporate them into my work. In my planning I created roughs where I had sketched out the layout of my magazine including where my main image would be placed, copy, barcode and the masthead. In addition to this I also experimented with the type of font I was going to use of Photoshop also looking at what my house style was going to be and how that influenced my copy. This skill developed my understanding of digital technology such as Adobe Premium. Photoshop and Weebly, which would all be beneficial for my A2 project of my Horror Trailer, Magazine and Poster.

In A2 we are creating a Horror Trailer; sub-genre: Monster. The research and planning for this project was comprehensive, in the summer before entering A2 we completed a booklet which gave us tasks to view more than 15 horror trailer from different sub-genres including supernatural, psychological, zombie etc. We also researched into how these genres first were created and how they have evolved to now and how conventions have changed due to time. Then for planning we analysed different Horror magazines, Posters and Trailer talking about how they were successful and how they blending the conventions into their work. We also looked at past students production, research and planning for inspiration and also to see the level in which research and planning should be. The research and planning for this production was successful and thorough as we spent more than 2 months preparing so when actually creating the production we knew what to film without hesitations, the storyboard is also immensely helpful as we know exactly what to film. This has shown development from AS when there was no research and planning and my work was unsuccessful to A2 where we have more background knowledge of the production and also more d3eatiled research and planning.

The way in which I have developed as a Post Modern Media Producer is by taking into account influences of my work and seeing what makes my production successful and in addition to this my creativity had developed to just my own knowledge but by the background research and planning that has influenced my creativity. 


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