Should society or the individual or an educated elite decide what is a appropriate level of sex and violence to expose children to

Should society or the individual or an educated elite decide what is a appropriate level of sex and violence to expose children to

 I think that an educated elite should decide on what the appropriate level of sex and violence there should be ( which in my opinion should be the least amount possible) because they have a better understand of what children think like as they would have studied the way a child ,mind works and at what age they start to understand things on a deeper level where they know the difference from the right and wrongs by themselves.

However the counter argument could be that children eventually will be exposed to this when they get older so is there a point and there is because the child will eventually grow up and they probably will eventually see these things so why must they be exposed to this so early on, there’s no rush for them to see graphic things as this could lea to the child evolving damage tot there mental health which will be harder to confront in the future.

So by having an educated elite deciding what is appropriate and not will allow children to gradually be exposed to these thing with psychologically harming the from a young and vulnerable age.


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